Source code for textlines

Sparklines for text. text_lines counts your words, paragraphs, pages
and emits a short summary.

This text doesn't need to be here, but I'm trying to write a new paragraph.
__author__ = 'Michael Joseph'
__email__ = ''
__url__ = ''
__version__ = '0.0.1'

import humanize
from datetime import timedelta

NOVEL = 60000
PAGE = 450
TPM = 100  # talking works per minute
RPM = 300  # reading words per minute

    'word': ':abc:',
    'paragraph': ':page_with_curl:',
    'page': ':page_facing_up:',
    'short_story': ':notebook:',
    'novel': ':books:',
    'talking_time': ':speech_balloon:',
    'reading_time': ':eyes::book:',

[docs]def reading_time(num_words): return humanize.time.naturaldelta( timedelta(minutes=num_words / RPM), )
[docs]def talking_time(num_words): return humanize.time.naturaldelta( timedelta(minutes=num_words / TPM), )
[docs]def work_percentage(words, length): percentage = (len(words) * 1.0 / length) * 100 return '%.2f%%' % percentage
[docs]def text_lines(words): paragraphs = words.split('\n\n') words = words.split(' ') output = [ '%d %s' % (len(words), EMOJI['word']), '%d %s' % (len(paragraphs), EMOJI['paragraph']), '%s of a %s' % ( work_percentage(words, SHORT_STORY), EMOJI['short_story'], ), '%s of a %s' % ( work_percentage(words, NOVEL), EMOJI['novel'], ), '%s %s' % (talking_time(len(words)), EMOJI['talking_time']), '%s %s' % (reading_time(len(words)), EMOJI['reading_time']), ] return ' '.join(output)